Ziji is the experience of being completely and powerfully in the presentDream life of Debris 2nd Edition
Review of 1st Edition
“This is a story of triumph over adversity. It follows the life of the protagonist Paul from birth through his foster family, and later with a single father. In adult life he unravells memories of crimes he witnessed and banished from his mind. The journey is carried by his fragmentation and by at least four couples. First is Paul an actor and playwright, and his partner Linden a child psychotherapist mother of twins. Susan his lover, a public prosecutor with a deceased twin sister, in a marriage made difficult by incompatible families of origin. The third an LGTBQ+ couple who bring Paul’s existence and marriage back to life with the help of two police, experts in memory and forgetting – a Lebanese-Australian police investigator, and their Japanese-Australian partner. And the fourth a twisted dying older man with a younger male carer, both known to Paul from a young age. The story reads like a play with its engaging dialogue, and a film with its cinematic depictions. As a novel it works brilliantly, and as a story of a broken divided man coming to their truth, it is heart-warming.
Angela Wagstaff, Co-ordinator, Drama College of the Southern Highlands, Australia.”
Couples Therapy: Does It Help or Hinder
First, I suggest you read my couple's story Repaired There you may find it's not a straight line from dead relationship to growing together again. Life Happens! Few people can afford the six month commitment of time and money that the psychology today article...
Spaciousness in relationship
The space you inhabit as a couple is like a room. It is around you, in between you and beyond you. We easily forget to nurture our awareness of the space inside and outside of that room. As an exercise take a few deep calming breaths, and come to an awareness of the...
Parentified daughters as life partners
“One day when my mother is healed, she will finally be able to be a mother to me” or, “One day when I am good enough, mother will be here for me.” This is the dream forged in the heart of the parentified child, that her hard work will pay off one day and her mother...
Couple coaching and/or couple therapy
Coaches ask questions to help one or both partners in a relationship to improve something – for example, improving communication, personal growth or helping them respond to needs better.Improvement will be judged on metrics decided on by the stakeholders. Therapy is...
Men and desire
The idea that men can just have sex for the sake of sex and get enough out of it is a fallacy In 2016, a study published in the Journal of Sex Research surveyed straight men in long-term heterosexual relationships about what elicited their desire, and found that key...
Boarding school sets up intimacy disconnect
All of the tools, none of the feelings you cannot make good decisions without emotional information, you cannot grow a flexible brain without good attachments, you cannot read facial signals if your heart is closed down, and you cannot see the big picture if your...
Micro dosing for trauma spectrum responses
I recommend the following article as foundation. The documentary Fantastic fungi
Beware the BTN’s
AKA “better than nothings”, tease us with finite fixes for infinite yearnings. They’re the dead-end relationships, the otherwise-perfect commitmentphobes, the people who’ll never be that Into us, the Friends who can’t be more. The Coras. Yet if BTNs served no...
You cannot reason with a verbally abusive partner
The victim so badly wants to make sense of the behavior that he or she doesn’t put an end to it, instead continuing to search for explanations of what could have caused the abuser to treat him or her that way. The victim thinks that perhaps something about his or her...
Good relationships predict good health & long life
this research project has followed a group of men for 75 years, and their wives and children in more recent decades, and has come up with clues to good health and satisfaction in life.
At peace with the virus
This first world and beautiful video aimed as soothing, still hangs out with anxiety provoking and false dichotomies in “we must win” and “we cannot fail”. Failure is the best teacher when we learn from it. The seed of success is in every failure, and loss within...